Bekijk het standpunt van 3M over recent nieuws met betrekking tot regelgeving en beheer van fluorchemie.
On Monday, February 22, the Biden Administration’s U.S. EPA announced two actions related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). 3M’s response to the announcement is below:
“3M continues to support SDWA regulations for PFOA and PFOS that are based on the best available science. As stated before Congress in 2019, we support federal regulations for PFAS that are rooted in the sound science and follow NAS standards and protocols. We welcome EPA’s announcement that it will move forward with the regulatory process for PFOA and PFOS under the SDWA and look forward to sharing our perspectives and research with the Administration.”
To learn more about PFAS regulation, click here.
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We zullen binnen één werkdag antwoorden.
3M verwelkomt de mogelijkheid tot samenwerking met externe belanghebbenden die onze doestelling delen mbt het verder ontwikkelen van de wetenschap van fluorchemie.